About Al-Yamany & Bros.
Our History
Mohammed Ali M. Alyamany & Bros. Co. is one of the vigorous supplier and Agricultural Equipments, Pumps and related products, and regarded as one of the main cornestone in this field and in the National Economic Development in the country.
The Company maintained excellent reputation by providing the local market with high quality products and strictly adhering to the company’s policy “Quality comes first”, it has established strategic business relations with internationally renowned companies and is successfully marketing their products in Yemen, gaining the emblem quality respect within the end users as well as the government and private sectors.
Long term experience, originality, confidentiality and integrity; all together represents the key points in the company’s dealing.
On these great morals, the company was founded on 1980 and run by the mastermind Mr. Mohamed Ali M. Alyamany.
He is managing the company by the policy emanates from his own long experiences and deep belief in life struggling. But still we need to stand and meditate the business rooted family which goes back to the 1930s when his grandfather late Mohamed Hamood Alyamany was selling and purchasing internationally by exporting some Yemeni traditional agricultural products and importing other products of different kinds and categories from Aden to Sana’a (before Yemeni Union).
As a matter of fact, the Company and its owner were subjected to fastidious hard test through which they proved that they were and are still strong and creative. In 1948, some armed tribesmen attacked Sana’a City and looted the properties of peaceful men, Mohamed Hamood Alyamany and his son Ali Mohamed Alyamany were present and their belongs and assets affected by the process. Because the slogan of Al-Yamany family is “Dont give up with life as long as you are still alive”, they managed to underline and put a new layout for their prosperous future, and at this stage at the age of 17 Ali Mohamed Alyamany took over the management full of ambitions, a business minded personality built the business conglomerate to become one of the leading trading companies in Yemen. He made all great efforts to improve the business and expand its activities. His aim was to introduce all new products available in the neighbouring countries to people of Sana’a.
After the revolution in 1962, the Government concentrated on the development of infrastructure and utility services and during this period Mr. Ali Mohamed Hamood Alyamany was one of the top businessmen who helped in the development of Electric, Water, Petroleum and Agricultural Sectors by providing them the needed products. It is to be well noticed that some of the places in Sana’a and Old Sana’a still maintain the development stages made by Mr. Ali Mohamed Hamood Alyamany and gained the symbol of trust within Yemen and abroad.
For the period of 29 years from 1948 to 1977, the company grew to become one of the leading Trading Groups and was honored to represent the leading international companies in Yemen.
With the fast development of the world and accelerated time, the son Mohamed Ali M. Alyamany has his inspiration and innovation which come to reality in the 1980s of the 20th century and the remarkable development become tangibly noticeable.
As a contemporary man, he believes in the reality that Republic of Yemen is still virgin and promising for intermediate trade and investments which leads to economic rise in lot of national products instead of importing from outside with hard currency.
In a nutshell, we can aver that the man concern is not only his company development and benefits, but his greatest concern is the National Economy too.
The company is being managed by Mr. Mohammed Ali Alyamany with his brothers Mr. Abdullah Ali Alyamany, Abdulghani Ali Alyamany and sons who are highly qualified. They are college graduates from the USA and UK, in the management and technical fields, being the supporting arm, contributing with full efforts in the expansion programme of the company, and are serving the customers in Yemen by establishing the sales points and showrooms to cover the main cities of Yemen.